An Interpretable Machine Learning Model to Classify Coronary Bifurcation Lesions

2021 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC)

Xiaoqian Liu; Madhurima Vardhan; Qinrou Wen; Arpita Das; Amanda Randles; Eric C. Chi

Violin plot comparing four regions with different distributions.


Coronary bifurcation lesions are a leading cause of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD). Despite its prevalence, coronary bifurcation lesions remain difficult to treat due to our incomplete understanding of how various features of lesion anatomy synergistically disrupt normal hemodynamic flow. In this work, we employ an interpretable machine learning algorithm, the Classification and Regression Tree (CART), to model the impact of these geometric features on local hemodynamic quantities. We generate a synthetic arterial database via computational fluid dynamic simulations and apply the CART approach to predict the time averaged wall shear stress (TAWSS) at two different locations within the cardiac vasculature. Our experimental results show that CART can estimate a simple, interpretable, yet accurately predictive nonlinear model of TAWSS as a function of such features.Clinical relevance— The fitted tree models have the potential to refine predictions of disturbed hemodynamic flow based on an individual’s cardiac and lesion anatomy and consequently makes progress towards personalized treatment planning for CAD patients.


Liu, Xiaoqian, et al. “An Interpretable Machine Learning Model to Classify Coronary Bifurcation Lesions.” 2021 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC). IEEE, 2021.


@inproceedings{liu2021interpretable, title={An Interpretable Machine Learning Model to Classify Coronary Bifurcation Lesions}, author={Liu, Xiaoqian and Vardhan, Madhurima and Wen, Qinrou and Das, Arpita and Randles, Amanda and Chi, Eric C}, booktitle={2021 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine \& Biology Society (EMBC)}, pages={4432–4435}, year={2021}, organization={IEEE} }